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A Walk Inside the Gap by Wesley Rolston

People walking along the hectic streets.

People running around our majestic parks.

Humans talking to loved ones quite loudly on intelligent phones.

Humans exploiting other humans mindlessly;

Humans shopping for an eclectic array of material bargains.

Humans listening to relentless rhythms: making their cars into speeding jukeboxes.

Humans slandering other humans based on the colour of their skin.

Humans eating heartily in restaurants from around the world.

Humans embracing the pleasant proximity of family.

Humans attacking other humans with objects, manipulated from their intended purposes.

Humans learning a myriad of facts in school.

Humans sleeping soundly wrapped in a blanket of love and warmth;

Humans pleading, begging and falling in despair.

Humans working to the tempos of our thriving society.

Humans losing sight of the pleasant, present moment.

Humans enjoying the pressures weighing down on them;

Humans screaming silently in the hope of being recognised.

Humans reaching out a hand that gets rejected continually.

Humans needing other humans to be their tour guide to fulfilment.

Unbelievable isn’t it?

That I would notice all of this…

just going for a walk in the world.

And yet…was there any humanness in all these humans?

Author bio:

Wesley has just finished his 2nd year of the Drama course at Newman University, prepping now for his dissertation and final year modules. After next year he is considering either the research masters in Humanities at Newman or a PGCE in Drama.

Photo by Palon Youth on Unsplash

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