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Why I Joined the Aghori Cult by Jeffrey Zable

It was mainly because I was fed up with it all:

sick and tired of all the fighting between republicans and democrats;

sick and tired of the constant struggle to survive;

sick and tired of people who profess to have the answers;

and I had no use for 99% of the latest technological inventions.

I joined the cult with the belief that I‘d find a new and better way to live.

From the start I threw myself into it with a fervour like never before.

I drank urine out of a human skull, ate an assortment of excrements,

as well as parts of dead bodies that were left along the shore,

or floating on the surface of the water.

It wasn’t long before I felt I’d discovered the true meaning of life.

I knew I’d never go back to following the tenets of conventional society,

worrying about what people thought of me and how I could please them.

I walked around day after day with a shit eating grin,

like there was no tomorrow. . .

Author bio:

Jeffrey Zable is a teacher and conga drummer who plays Afro Cuban Folkloric

music for dance classes and Rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area. His poetry,

fiction, and non-fiction have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies. Recent writing in MockingHeart Review, Remington Review, Ink In Thirds, Third Wednesday, Awkward Mermaid, Brickplight, Soft Cartel, The Bitchin’ Kitch, Rosette Maleficarum and many others. In 2017 he was nominated for both The Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize.

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